Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Charles Dickens "Things That Never Die"

I include this poem, not only because it is lovely, but because I think it is both timely and immortal. In this New Decade, I hope we focus on things that never die:
love, kindness, compassion, empathy, equanimity, acceptance, understanding, and service. Add to this list with your own wishes, hopes and dreams. Love to all.

These Things Can Never Die
Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

The pure, the bright, the beautiful
That stirred our hearts in youth,
The impulses to wordless prayer,
The streams of love and truth,
The longing after something lost,
The spirit's yearning cry.
The striving after better hopes;
These things can never die.

The timid hand stretched forth to aid
A sister in her need,
A kindly word in grief's dark hour
That proves a friend indeed;
The plea for mercy softly breathed,
When justice threatens high.
The sorrow of a contrite heart;
These things shall never die.

Let nothing pass, for every hand
Must find some work to do,
Lose not a chance to waken love;
Be firm and just and true.
So shall a light that cannot fade
Beam on thee from on high,
And angel voices say to thee,
These things can never die.


Kass said...

So beautiful. Almost sounds like a song. Yearning and longing are big themes for me, but I need to try to put them in perspective with my realistic ability to achieve balance. I feel like I need to write a different poem than the one I posted early on called "Haunted By Hope." That one has all kinds of allusions to my upbringing in the church, but I think the title applies to so much more in the quality of my yearning.
Lose not a chance to waken love - yes, that is a thing that I hope never dies.

lori vliegen said...

charles dickens always knows how to say it just right, doesn't he?!! thanks for sharing this with us.....your caring spirit is always very much appreciated!! hugs, :))

baodad said...

It's fun to see the new look of your blog! I love Charles Dickens too. Thanks for sharing a gem!

Anonymous said...

This poem is actually a song too. If you go to youtube, and type in Things that never die itll have a choir pop up. My personal favorite is the one that the spokane childrens chorous did. Theirs is so pretty and sounds fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Kass, this was set to music by Lee Dengler. Very beautiful poem and piece of music

Taylor Family said...

Actually there is a song.

Dorothy said...

Apparently the poem was actually written by Sarah Doudney, but mis-attributed to Charles Dickens after being published, uncredited, in one of Dickens's periodicals. Please check out the details and verified research here: http://epistem-o-philia.blogspot.com/2018/04/the-pure-bright-beautiful.html