Friday, April 30, 2010

The Last Poem--in more ways than one

I've just concluded facilitating a 16 week Creative Meditation class.  In honor of National Poetry Month, we spent the last two weeks  writing  poetry.  They wanted to compose a group poem, feeling safer in having company with an experience that was very new to a few of them.   We threw around some topics, and settled on a generic word, "Opening."   The instructions were to add a line about opening, using memories, images, senses, descriptions, or any other creative phrase related to the topic.   Each person wrote a line, with no one knowing what someone else had written.   Then we gathered all the index cards and laid them out.   It was amazing how  it all seemed to fit together.    With some rearranging like a jigsaw puzzle,  some clarifying gender pronouns, and a great title, we hereby present our final offering in salute to all budding poets everywhere.

Falling Through the Crack

How did she find the courage to break the seal
Allowing a tiny shard of crimson-rosy light to enter?

She feels her skin prickle,
Hears a creaking,
Catches her breath,

Fear, strong and mighty,
Arrogantly stands at the doorway
Proudly dripping blood
on the white carpet of her mind.

Flowing juices from her heart
Crack open the threshold of time.
Falling thru eons
She opens deep self-knowing.

Thanks to Wendy, Cindy, George, Pearl, Chris, Dineh, and June  F. (aka Marie "B") for enduring to the very end, and additionally, kudos to Colleen, Shirley, Evelyn, Jill, and Paula for your participation.     May we all continue endlessly creating with intention and presence.
Love to all.


Kass said...

This is really marvelous. A lot of rich images and layers of meaning. Congratulations for heading up such and event!

lori vliegen said...

how magnificent!! what a great "accidental" collaboration! congrats to everyone who participated! xox, :))